Need an adventure idea for an upcoming roleplaying game scenario? Check out S. John Ross’s Big List of RPG Plots for free at his Blue Room website. It’s been available for a while, but remains one of the most time-tested, useful gamemaster tools ever devised.
The Big List of RPG Plots stands as an essential component in any gamemaster’s library, one to keep handy as a launching point for an impromptu game session, for general ideas when players run far off a planned scenario’s course, or for inspiration when a new adventure idea remains elusive. The list also provides a challenge for gamemasters: pick one plot (possibly at random) and develop an entire scenario for your game based on its premise.
Read The Big List of RPG Plots online or get a printer-friendly PDF file through a zipped download at S. John’s Cumberland Games & Diversions free downloads page (way down at the bottom, under “Random Toys”). While you’re there, check out his treasure trove of free offerings, from original fonts and samplers of products for sale to entire games like the innovative Risus: The Anything RPG, Encounter Critical, and the brilliantly twisted Pokethulhu Adventure Game.