is the king of all men, he is their parent and their grave, and gives
them what he will and not what they crave.”
– Pericles
missive on Osprey books’ wargaming notes – along with
the passing of Queen Elizabeth II – reminded
me how the legacy of colonialism shaped the supposedly modern world
in which we live. It’s not easy, in our tribal mentality, to
separate individuals from nations, a monarch from an entire
government, to appreciate the good in one person despite living in an
imperfect world.
have written
carefully considered and respectful pieces on Elizabeth’s long
reign and the service she rendered to her country and, arguably, the
world, especially as it emerged into a post-colonial, more globally
aware era. I’ve
other pieces reminding us of her role as head of a nation troubled,
like most countries, by turmoil and transgressions past and present.
Most of
this discourse reminds us
makes us aware) of
colonialism’s lingering ills. Those of us who study history in
various capacities keep these in mind; for sensitive
wargamers it presents a quandary.
can we play
games based on historical events that
the colonizers’ power
abuse of those they conquered?
Is it all
simply a game we can blissfully play for sheer enjoyment while
ignoring the historical context, especially
what that meant for the conquered?
Should we abandon our satisfying pastime lest we perpetuate the very
ills of colonialism people still
today? I
fear there’s no “right” answer here (or at least no reasonable
person would claim and
enforce a
“right” answer), but the issue’s worth exploring as our
adventure gaming hobby pursuits occasionally intersect with
real-world issues.
from my Osprey piece and Queen Elizabeth’s passing, a third event
last week prompted my deeper examination of these issues historical
wargamers might consider. A
wargaming pal – John, author of the excellent
54mm or
blog – sent me a box of roleplaying game books and a host of
painted and based 15mm Victorian-themed miniatures that somehow
nobody else wanted. (He is, among other things, extremely generous.)
I’ve lately come to appreciate pre-painted miniatures, especially
in the 15mm scale, almost
too tiny for my fat fingers to paint
myself. The
hordes of new figures didn’t seem enough to mount full-scale
battles, but I thought I might explore some steampunk action on Venus
or Mars, not quite the purely
“imagi-nations” type campaigns some folks like to fight, but a
little removed from our own planet’s contentious colonization and
nationalism issues. The
was further driven home by my wife’s sidelong glances of
disapproval – whether of me acquiring more miniatures or those
minis representing colonial powers and a few oppressed peoples – as
I gleefully unwrapped each figure John had packed up like so many
pieces of delicious wargaming candy. I
intend to playtest my own skirmish rules and play around with the
GASLIGHT rules for small units and heroes; but I also wanted to
develop a plausible interplanetary story to involve the powers
mustered on my wargaming table, part of my philosophy of having fun
playing with the toys at hand. While I love GDW’s
roleplaying game – and credit it with broadening my perspective on
colonial history – I wanted to try crafting a narrative empowering
some non-colonial
along with the usual suspects (the French
and the newly unified Germans), along with a twist in the
circumstances that transport them to Venus to fight each other and
the indigenous lizardmen in their own efforts to colonize the jungle
planet. Something
to draft for my own enjoyment, or perhaps to share here if I feel
and confident enough.
I am to continue enjoying my historical wargaming, I must dedicate myself to learning
more about the conflicts played out on the table. Much of my engagement
in historical gaming comes from reading and understanding more about
the period, peoples, and politics involved. Playing
out conflicts on the wargaming table is one aspect
my fascination
For many
the adventure gaming hobby allows participants to immerse themselves
in a genre, historical or fantastical, often as a means of escape,
but tangentially as a means of experiencing something beyond
of our own ability.
What’s it like to be the dwarf always watching out for danger? How
can I best use the resources at hand to settle this island? How
do I handle myself when my rifle-armed troops fall before a horde of
spear-wielding Zulus angry that we’ve invaded their
experiences can offer us a slightly greater degree of empathy we
might carry back with us when we return to the real world.

I try
about most historical games to have a deeper sense of
how these events affected the world beyond the immediate battlefield,
not simply
for privileged Western white curmudgeons like me, but for those who
suffered and endured under the yoke of colonialism and conquerors.
In my youth
I wandered through historical periods like a casual traveler,
immersing myself in those that seemed interesting at the time. But
lately I’ve allowed personal experience to draw me into particular
periods, regions, and specific campaigns. Visits to Colonial
Williamsburg, historic Jamestowne, Yorktown, the
Mariners’ Museum,
and Fort Frederick all bring
history to life to varying degrees. They challenge me to
beyond my basic, classroom understanding of the French and Indian War
and the Revolutionary War to look more deeply at issues, battles, and
outcomes. Living
in the middle of Virginia I cannot avoid the legacy of the Civil War:
the battles, the
sites, the
personalities, the plight of enslaved people and
US Colored Troops,
and civilians who managed through tumultuous changes in their lives.
Learning how my
grandparents remained in the United States because
Poland in 1939 has sparked an interest in Poland during World War II.
these experiences
– and yes, even the wargames –
country’s past, its sacrifices, essential
issues, and
all the successive layers of experience upon which our current
society rests.
I have
discussed some of the moral implications of playing at war in
missives like “Daddy, Who Are the Bad Guys?” and “A Game that Will Live in Infamy.” Wargames
– like many adventure gaming hobby activities – offer an
exercise following directions, determining
how pieces and game mechanics work, figuring out how to use those to
our advantage in achieving the game’s victory conditions. I
have used games throughout my time as a parent to encourage an
interest in history, challenge my son’s abilities, and discuss some
of the more delicate subjects of war and violence. I
have reinforced these game activities with others: suggested reading,
relevant films, and visits to museums and battlefields. Wargames
represent an entertaining pastime one can use as a springboard for
further reflection
and discussion
– essential
elements for learning from our experiences – things we humans
rarely have time for in this Internet Age of constant immersion in
our devices, rush to numerous activities, and the overall ruthlessly
capitalist struggle for base survival.
Queen Elizabeth II figure by Britains |
At the
risk of
to trivialize
a monumental event in our Western
history, I
would propose that, like
the passing of Queen Elizabeth II challenges
deal with associated moral quandaries.
We seek to pay our respects, to honor the end of an era, and in doing
so look toward a brighter future.
legacy of colonialism and conquerors
with us.
remains a
problematic issue on the wargaming table and a systemic force lurking
just beneath our society’s surface. Some
folks choose to ignore
or water
down, others try learning
about and reflecting
on how
our world and our everyday lives, and still others find the courage
to try changing that world in small or large ways.
is a time of reflection on the passing of someone so multifaceted, so
meaningful to an entire global community, in all of the good and bad
ways that embody
our humanity. To blame her for all a colonial nation’s
transgressions serves no productive
purpose –
as does
blame generally without accountability and action – but
the solemn occasion can
to reflect on the good she tried to
as a person and the achievements and tragedies of the government she
work together to acknowledge past
an equitable reconciliation. We
must strive to remember
we can
exact revenge for past
in the present, but
learn about and
acknowledge what’s come before us and determine
where we
need to go...
to avoid
past mistakes
work toward
a better future for
be a king and wear a crown is a thing more glorious to them that see
it than it is pleasant to them that bear it.”
Wonderfully thoughtful post, Peter, and very well-said! It's always refreshing to see a blogger take up a heavy topic that doesn't erase the weight with "It's just a game".
ReplyDeleteAll too often I come across wargamers who wish to deny that these are issues we should spend time considering within our hobby (regarding colonialism and oppressed peoples or if whether it is even right to game some conflicts or situations at all). It's a position I don't quite grasp, because through wargaming (among other things as well, of course). I have found myself driven to learn more about history, about the impact of the conflicts we wish to game, about the societies and personalities involved, and to consider the threads of our past that persist into the present day - for ill or for good.
To me, and I realize not everyone feels this way, thoughtful reflection, even if uncomfortable, is a better approach than throwing our hands up and crying, "it's just a game!" or worse, cherry picking the bits of history that make us feel "good". Even if some of these issues seem only tangential to our games, they merit reflection. We may still elect to represent a conflict or era on our tabletops or we may decide not to, but we'll have done so from a considered position.
Speaking of games, (not a great segue, but I've rambled long enough in this comment!), I will get the rest of those figures out soon! I just got back into town on Sunday.
Excellent post and John's comment captures my feelings on the matter very well. I also have always thought of historical wargaming as way to study a conflict. When I would get a new hex-and-chit wargame as a kid I'd head down to the library and check out every book about the conflict I could find. It was probably the roleplayer in me but I always wanted to really be able to "step into the shoes" of those involved. As John said, when you learn about the conflicts you in turn learn about the motivations and the lives that were turned upside down. Of course I can separate game time from history lesson time - in the moment when I'm excited about a timely dive roll in my favor that doesn't mean I'm glorifying death - but I do think it is helpful to understand a bit more about all the little counters, slabs of metal, and bits of plastic we are pushing around the table.
ReplyDelete(And John - it is good to see you regularly commenting here. FWIW, I greatly miss your Tabletop Diversions solo roleplaying musings.)
Thank you John and Shawn for your carefully considrered comments. People often see their hobbies as fun diversions from the trying issues of real life, but many offer us a chance to learn and grow if we're open to that. We learn when we have experiences and subsequently reflect on them; a little reflection on the games we play often helps and can enrich our gaming and other experiences.
ReplyDeleteNice post thank you Andrew