My recent acquisition of yet another game including both basic and advanced rules prompted me to ponder the benefits of such presentation, particularly when introducing a game to a new audience and those not yet familiar with the adventure gaming hobby
In another online venue I mentioned several games using basic and advanced rules I liked, but I want to focus on a few I felt did that extremely well and consider why they appeal so much to me:
Wings of War: Dawn of World War II (since reincarnated as Wings of Glory WWII): I’ve talked about this game before and admire its simple mechanics of card play on the game surface to simulate World War II dogfights. The basic rules cover the bare minimum to enjoy a game: movement, shooting, and damage. Advanced rules add more technicalities, including altitude, special damage, and bombing runs. The intuitive card-based system for moving and the assumption that anything within range takes fire (though with variable damage results) makes for a fast and easy-to-learn game; the advanced rules add options any solid wargamer would expect but that aren’t integral to enjoying the basic game. The full-color rulebook also includes plenty of illustrative diagrams demonstrating the essential principles of play.
Sirocco& Red Storm Rising: A desert-warfare strategy battle game simulating the World War II conflict between Patton and Rommel in North Africa, Siroccoteaches the core concepts of movement and combat in the basic rulebook, while adding a host of optional rules for terrain, range, command, supply, and troop quality -- plus several scenarios -- in the “Masters” rulebook. Simulating a hypothetical Warsaw Pact invasion of West Germany against defending NATO forces (as depicted in the Tom Clancy novel of the same name), Red Storm Rising offers some very concise yet intuitive division-level wargame mechanics in the basic rulebook with many more complex yet realistic options to add in the advanced rules. Both games include separate booklets for the basic and expert rules and include nicely illustrated map-boards. Sirocco uses plastic pieces shaped like military units (perfect for wargaming newcomers), while Red Storm Rising uses cardboard chits in plastic stands (for the fog of war mechanic) with only one essential combat value on the piece to avoid intimidating new players. Both games come from the late 1980s when TSR released such fare in an attempt to broaden their audience with “easy to learn” wargames that could appeal to more seasoned gamers with advanced rules.
Star Frontiers: The basic rulebook in the boxed set offers a stripped-down character creation process (eliminating skills and a host of other details) with the basics of task resolution, combat, vehicle chases, and equipment, all put to the test in a programmed-format solitaire tutorial adventure (a personal favorite of mine for introducing roleplaying game rules) and a more freeform group scenario using included location maps and character/creature counters. The expert booklet serves as the full rules set expanding on the introductory booklet’s rules and setting foundation. The game’s basic and expert rules booklets did a far better job of introducing roleplaying game concepts than the Basic and Expert D&D game rules, albeit the science fiction setting wasn’t as popular as dungeon delving.
[Basic & Expert Dungeons & Dragons: I’m hesitant to mention Basic/Expert D&D in this list (hence the bracketed text) because, though it employs the similar “basic” and “advanced” designation in its titles, the game remains far too complex and introduces to many concepts essential to roleplaying games to really fit my more concise ideal for a basic/advanced set-up. The advancement of the “expert” set simply reflects its expansion of the levels (and hence challenges and rewards) more experienced characters can attain; however, the games did introduce many newcomers to the fantasy roleplaying game hobby in the 1980s, arguably the “Golden Age of Roleplaying.” It offered an elegant explanation of roleplaying (which I discussed in a past Hobby Games Recce post) and thus in my view deserves some honorable mention.]
Practicalities in Projects
How does this admiration for basic and advanced rules affect my approaches to current projects? I’ve carefully balanced the urge to take this approach with the nature of each product I’m designing -- it’s not appropriate for every game -- and decided this approach might work best on two projects intended to introduce young and new gamers to aspects of the adventure gaming hobby: miniature wargames and traditional medieval fantasy roleplaying games.
The Miniatures Wargame: I’m dabbling with a simplified miniatures wargame for kids with a World War II tank warfare theme, with the intent of introducing kids to some wargaming basics without overwhelming them with the intense yet often enjoyable accuracy of other immensely popular systems like Flames of War. The essential game mechanics exist and have undergone some playtesting. I’m looking to develop a basic rulebook containing the bare-bones yet playable system followed by an advanced rules set with options kids can add to enhance their play experience to reflect more generally accepted elements of miniatures wargames, including close range bonuses, terrain and obstacles, anti-tank artillery, minefields, veteran crews, objectives, command distance. While I expect I’d present the advanced options in a standard rulebook format, I’d like to offer summaries of each option as a half- or quarter-page reference card players could put on the gaming table as a reminder of what additional rules are in play. This is clearly a case of the egotistical game designer thinking he can do better than the myriad offerings in the field ranging from homegrown rules to well-established hobby games. About the only one that adopts the basic/advanced rules presentation is the Axis & Allies Miniatures Game, which unfortunately relies on the collectable nature of the miniatures and has minimal support from manufacturer Wizards of the Coast.
The Fantasy Roleplaying Game Project: Offering a full roleplaying game in both basic and advanced rules presents some challenges on the basic end, considering all the myriad and sometimes complicated elements such a game requires. I intend to create a fantasy roleplaying game combining elements appealing to old-school-renaissance gamers as well as those seeking to introduce kids (10 and up or so) to such games (despite the recent prevalence of such products). As I began developing elements of the game to present to playtesters I found myself relying on my favorite “solitaire tutorial adventure” model: offering some flavor text to define the setting and situation followed by enough basic task/combat resolution rules to run encounters, then a “programmed” scenario demonstrating those rules. While such an adventure presentation could certainly serve as a promotional piece showcasing elements of the game, it’s far from even a “quick-start” version of the full rules. I envision most of the easy-to-play elements in the basic rules will evolve in the design, writing, and presentation of the rules themselves, keeping an eye on being clear and concise. I regret I’m falling back on the Basic/Expert D&D model where the “expert” version simply expands the character advancement opportunities (including additional powers, new monsters, and more magical items/treasure).
I’ll see how these approaches work out as both games receive more development as time allows. While the tank miniatures game percolates on the back burner of my mind (even as I write this I’m devising new ways to further streamline the mechanics), I’m actively developing and playtesting the fantasy roleplaying game. I’m hoping some early stage playtesting offers some guidance in the mechanics and presentation.
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