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A cannon overlooking Lenn Park on the site of a Civil War engagement. |
We recently took my son, the now nine year-old
Little Guy, to his first Civil War battlefield. I’m always worried
about doing these things too soon, but he demonstrated an interest in
the history: getting enthralled by the National Park Service movie on
the battle, examining and reading about the artifacts, walking along
the trails to the barely visible remains of entrenchments, and
tolerating his father and uncle droning on about aspects of the
exhibits and terrain. His growing understanding of history merging
with my enthusiasm for games gives me an idea for summertime
activities that might benefit him next year when he studies Virginia
history: combining day trips to area battlefields with reading books
from Daddy’s library and playing games portraying the events we
study. Our trial visit to the Chancellorsville battlefield and a few
rounds of Richard Borg’s Battle Cry helped convince me this
just might work.
Summer’s always a challenge for a “stay at
home dad.” Aside from losing much of the time I’d normally spend
on writing and game design projects as well as household duties, I
must often play the role of chief entertainment provider. Nothing
freezes my heart with terror than the complaint, “Daddy, I’m
bored...” (to which I parody, in my best Max von Sydow impression,
“Klytus, I’m bored...what plaything can you offer me today?”).
So even just the nearby battlefields serve as a plentiful source of
day trips. Most of the major sites screen orientation films combining
documentary narration with re-enactor footage. Galleries display
artifacts and explain the battles and Civil War life. And, of course,
the battlefields themselves offer a first-hand view of the terrain
over which Americans fought. I’ve already scouted website schedules
for living history events, demonstrations, and even a week-long,
half-day Civil War camp for kids.
Day trips serve as great opportunities on their
own; but I find some extra involvement can help cement lessons
learned and provide a more meaningful link to history. I have a
decent library shelf with Civil War reference books, including a host
of helpful, wonderfully illustrated Osprey books and a few historical
atlases, plus some relevant DVDs (one from the Chancellorsville
battlefield and, of course, Gettysburg). Then there are the
games. I could run various miniatures scenarios with the different
figures I have (many of which still require painting) and I have more
traditional board and card game fare, including GDW’s A House
Divided, a few decks of Columbia Games’ Dixie card game,
Decision Games’ Salem Church, a version of Avalon Hill’s
Gettysburg, and Battle
Cry, perhaps the most
accessible for a nine year-old kid. (I
have a vague recollection I might
have once had some of West End Games’ Civil war titles, but if I
did, I regret I’ve
long since parted with them.) I picked up my used, 1999
version of Battle Cry (including the Jackson Campaign flyer
from Origins and GenCon 2000) for $20 at a wargaming convention flea
market (a fantastic place to find great deals on games and
miniatures). I dabbled with it solitaire after I first got it, but
it’s been sitting in a fairly prominent place in my office (as
prominent as can be in a space cluttered with game boxes and books).
Spurred by a one-page biography of General Ulysses
S. Grant the Little Guy wrote for school, he asked if we could play
Battle Cry on our Thursday game night. In the past he’s
immersed himself in various historical subjects – thanks in part to
his school’s library – including the sinking of the RMS
Titanic and the attack on Pearl Harbor. While I had some books
about the Titanic he could peruse, I soon acquired some books
on Pearl Harbor for him, including a good picture book, the relevant
I Survived… series title, and the Osprey book for the
attack. He ultimately inspired me to create a Pearl Harbor themed
Wings of Glory scenario we ran at one of the regional
wargaming conventions we frequent (and no doubt will do so again with
some rules adjustments). So it came as no surprise that he wanted to
give Battle Cry a go. Having played a few games of Memoir
’44, he quickly understood the rules for its Civil War
predecessor, reading the cards he played out loud and carefully
considering his moves and attacks. Nonetheless I mercilessly crushed
his Union forces in the First Battle of Manassas/Bull Run, sending my
cavalry into his rear area and crashing into units left and right.
This week during his school’s spring break he again requested a
game, this time one with Union forces under General Grant, whom he’d
briefly studied. This time he was a bit more cautious, having learned
the rules at Manassas and demonstrating some good tactics that kept
the Confederates at bay. Although it looked for a while like the
South would prevail with a generous margin, Grant made a good showing
and fought the battle to a draw (I destroyed the sixth Union unit and
captured its flag, but we agreed to play just one more Union turn,
during which he destroyed my sixth unit).
Finding additional scenarios has proved a
challenge. The later edition of the rulebook contains a host of new
battles, but other websites have not yielded much useful information.
Few come as PDFs and the websites don’t print very efficiently (and
lack some of the polished graphic design of other sources). Compared
to resources for other Commands and Colors games like Memoir
’44, the pickings seem slim. Still, I think we can at least
cover most of the major battlefields we’ll visit this summer
(though I need more cavalry figures if we’re going to play Brandy
Few of my other Civil War games seem appropriate
for a nine year-old boy. That said, I wouldn’t mind getting a copy
of Columbia Games’ Bobby Lee for a more strategic level
investigation of the war in Virginia (I’ve enjoyed the company’s
fog of war block game Liberty covering the American
Revolution). Some of my miniatures wargaming rules serve well for the
period – I’m thinking primarily of Surdu and Dean’s Big Battles for Little Hands – and are suitable for young people
with adult referees. I’m tempted to run a skirmish using John
Lambshead’s One-Hour Skirmish Wargames, possibly Duffie’s
dismounted cavalry probe for a Mountain Run crossing at Stevensburg
(a secondary engagement at the Battle of Brandy Station), though this
level of skirmish action isn’t really characteristic of the great
Civil War engagements.
Out of curiosity I looked up his school’s fourth
grade “Virginia Studies Curriculum Guide.” While very little time
is spent on the Civil War itself (surprising considering how central
Virginia was in the war in the east), units also focus on the causes
and events leading up to it as well as reconstruction (which we’ve
recently explored on our own thanks to Henry Louis Gates, Jr.’s
incredible PBS series on the subject). Some folks might claim
focusing so much on the military aspect of the conflict ignores other
issues; but I’ve found both in our Chancellorsville visit and our
gaming that it’s a springboard for discussions into a host of
meaningful topics. The movies and exhibits at National Parks Service
sites I’ve visited also touch on other issues, particularly
slavery, the plight of individual soldiers and families, the
political ramifications, and the technology of the day. I’m hoping
our summertime history day trips and the companion gaming maintain
momentum, lead to some insightful talks, and provide some fun
activities. It’s a good experiment to see how we can use more
experiential learning to engage kids and reinforce classroom work (or
in this case, prepare for it).
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