Reading Man of Gold and diving back into Tékumel
source material inspired me to explore Professor Barker’s rich,
very alien setting through solitaire play (my distant past attempts
at running it with friends having met with little success or
satisfaction). I took some time to assemble my resources and work out
some story basics...and then I put it to the test on an adventure
seed I wrote as a challenge I issued in on of my recent blog posts,
“Demonstrating Potential: Adventure Seeds & Outlines.”
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A rather disorganized sampling of my Tékumel solo gaming resources. |
I had fun simply researching an engaging campaign
story arc and developing three characters to run through it. The year
is 2359 A.S. (one year before the events in Man of Gold). The
campaign revolves around the attempts to track down information about
an old Bednálljan legend concerning an ancient automaton similar to
but more powerful than a Ru’ún but loyal to the commands of a
master without the requisite and extremely rare controlling
artifacts: the Most Excellent Obedient Warrior. The legend claims
Queen Nayári of the Silken Thighs somehow discovered and possessed
this artifact; she ordered it on a mission to engage foes beyond the
Chákan Forest in the west, from whence it never returned. Details of
its powers, travels, and ultimate fate remain sketchy. To find it the
characters must uncover more specific accounts of the artifact and
its deeds, then follow those clues into the western forests,
undoubtedly into dangerous ruins. None of this includes instructions
on forging a commanding bond with the thing, repairing it if damaged,
or understanding how to control it. Having heard these legends and
put stock in them, several factions representing potential imperial
heirs influence the characters with the hopes of finding the Most
Excellent Obedient Warrior and recruiting it as a proxy champion for
heirs in the Kolumejálim, destroying it to deny others from using it
in this fashion, or employing it as a weapon against Tsolyánu’s
enemies. I’ll freely admit much of this mirrors elements from Man
of Gold – a priest researching an ancient artifact, political
intrigue surrounding claimants to the throne, factions with hidden
agendas – albeit with my own twists and variations. I did this in
part to tap into the examples the novel presented of both characters
and plots one could experience in the game and to give myself a firm
base from which to pursue my own adventures exploring the Tékumel
In my solitaire gaming I typically run three
characters, just enough for me to keep track of everything and make
for interesting situations, but not a sole character to bear the
burden of all the action (and have to rely on a single character’s
skills). I created three characters with some distinctive Tékumel
elements (and a few aspects reflecting aspects of my own life). All
are members of the clan of the Victorious Globe (makers of paper,
ink, brushes, and writing supplies), a medium-rank clan based in most
cities of the empire, followers of Thúmis and Hnálla and their
respective cohorts:
Ibásh hiMirkétme: priest of Keténgku
(second circle), scholar of the ancient Bednálljan Empire’s
literature, aficionado of legendary tales. His temple has charged him
with pursuing his studies of legends regarding a powerful artifact.
Hails from Páya Gupá. The young priest believes his order has given
him broad leeway to pursue his his studies of the ancient Bednálljan
Empire’s literature, particularly the legend of the Most Excellent
Obedient Warrior. His order (and that of Thúmis) secretly hopes this
activity leads to and gains this artifact to aid Prince Surundáno in
his struggle to ascend the Petal Throne.
Bará hiTlakán: Aridáni warrior, formerly
a scout and courier with the Legion of the Mighty Prince. Also hails
from Páya Gupá. Ostensibly this Aridáni was charged by both the
clan and the priests of Keténgku with protecting Ibásh on his
journeys to various libraries and other places of research. She
remains fiercely protective of him through her clan affiliation, but
also serves other masters. Having previously served in Prince
Eselné’s Legion of the Mighty Prince she has been secretly
recruited by the Prince’s agents to watch over the efforts to
retrieve the artifact. Ultimately she must try to possess it for the
Prince and his military faction; barring that she must deny it to
others seeking to wield its power. Partial to Karakán but generally
loyal to the Gods of Stability and the ideal of “noble action.”
Thékuto hiNrashkéme: Victorious Globe
clan trade liaison (part courier, part merchant negotiator between
clan houses). Well-traveled lover of the good things in life. Not
terribly reverent but partial (in a quiet way) to Dlamélish. Hails
from Jakálla. With the clan’s permission the priesthood of
Keténgku recruited Thékuto as a guide for Ibásh’s researches,
having good reason to travel across the empire on official clan
business. While he believes he’s acting as a minder for a young
priest of his clan, Thékuto suspects the true motive, having also
been recruited by agents of Princess Ma’ín in their feeble efforts
to locate and retrieve the artifact for their own purposes. He is
more loyal to his own interests, primarily the enjoyment of good
quality food, drink, accommodations, and company.
The Ever-Gratifying Game of Glorious Anonymity
(how’s that, Omnipotent Azure Legion?) assumes characters have
equipment essential to their roles, though nothing overly
exceptional. I decided to give each character a few “notable
possessions” to round out their descriptions and, in some cases,
provide advantages to certain activities in the game. Ibásh has a
scribe’s kit (with parchment, brushes, and inks) and a knife (more
for use in scribe tasks but also helpful for self-defense if
necessary), but also possesses a Scroll of Introductions, an ornately
calligraphied letter from the high priest of Keténgku in Páya Gupá
requesting (on his authority and respect for the order) the reader
assist Ibásh in any activity supporting his research (it provides a
bonus to relevant rolls regarding bureaucracy and persuasion). Bará’s
notable possessions all come under the basic heading of “arms,”
including a sword, shield, and highly decorated pieces of chlén-hide
armor. Thékuto also carries a scroll case with parchment, ink, and
brushes for contracts and correspondence regarding clan business,
plus a dueling saber (more for show than anything else), fine
raiments (though not above those permissible by his moderately ranked
clan), and two slaves, for now simply named “Porter” and “Cook,”
who serve Thékuto (and hence the other characters) on his travels,
carrying wares and supplies, setting up camp, and tending to meals.
In cities they stay at the clan house and run errands for him (a
convenient way of handling more mundane story and game functions). I
almost gave some of the characters “eyes” or other “magic
items,” but I wanted to focus more on story and exploring the world
than the usual dungeon-delving treasure grab. They must survive on
their wits, skills, and alliances, though farther into the campaign
they may acquire notable items to aid their quest.
To test the game system and get myself into the
Tékumel frame of mind I decided to run my characters through a
short, introductory adventure as they journey to Jakálla to conduct
research in the Bednálljan Empire’s records archived in various
locations there.
In a previous blog post I lamented the lack of
easy-to-use adventure seeds and outlines in games that could really
use them to demonstrate how unique settings work (including
Tékumel’s); I issued a challenge to “take one of S. John Ross’
ideas from The Big List of RPG Plots and adapt it into an adventure outline for
an introductory level scenario based in Tékumel. Try integrating at
least one notable feature from the setting, if not more.” I’ve
included my results below, based on “Any Port in A Storm,” though
I’m not terribly satisfied with them (the writing could be tighter
and better organized, among other things). Enjoy the adventure seed;
in a future post I’ll return to chronicle the first steps my
characters take in their search for the Most Excellent Obedient
Tower of Deathly Hospitality
“Her small chest opened, tunic
and all, to reveal a tangle of dark, damp limbs within.”
– Man of Gold
While traveling along a sakbé road the characters
seek shelter in an abandoned guard tower during a sudden monsoon. The
caravan camped here set its tents as far on the platform as possible
from the dilapidated structure. A single man, drenched in the
torrent, stands blankly staring into the tower door. This mid-level
bureaucrat pines for his wife, who entered the dark interior seeking
shelter despite warnings against trespassing in the haunted site. He
implores the characters to retrieve her, promising a reward as well
as a favor from his clan.
Inside wet footprints lead to a stoutly barred
trap door in the floor, then up a ramshackle staircase to the ruined
upper levels. Jovial sounds rise from beneath the trap door. “La,
you up there, come enjoy a warm fire, good food, and wine to cheer
your belly!” someone calls. Those foolish enough to descend into
the structure’s deep sub-levels encounter a small family who invite
the characters to share a meal around a smoldering brazier.
Something’s off about these people; they’re actually srámathu
(Béthorm, page 209) seeking to ambush prey they can later
impersonate (a sinkhole opens into an underworld labyrinth through
which they entered the tower foundations, part of a long-forgotten
palace of an unfortunate ancient Bednálljan governor). Negotiating
the rickety stairs to the tower’s upper levels leads to encounters
with a lurking Káyi or small crowd of nesting Chnélh who wandered
up the well shafts from the lower levels. Eventually they find the
missing wife standing in a daze, transfixed by the image of a ghostly
glowing “guard” keeping watch from a high window (a real spirit,
a trick of the light, an image from an ancient artifact?). She’s
easily led back to the platform, but even in the downpour remains in
a waking, coma-like state.
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