Tuesday, December 31, 2024

So Long 2024

 Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure.”

Jane Austen

I dislike the year-end cacophony of click-bait news stories looking back on the old year. A recap of top 10 news stories, cultural fads, and other vapid remembrances. A retrospective on celebrities and notables we lost. How various aspects of our lives have changed (rarely for the good). I also dislike looking back on my own experience of the past year. Sure, it was punctuated with high points, sometimes exceedingly positive events. But these stand out as pinpricks on the vast dark canvas of everyday life. I shouldn’t complain; I have much for which I should be thankful. Still, I can’t help but look back on even Hobby Games Recce and try to find some positive signiificance in it all.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

My Favorite “Local” Game Stores

With the gift-giving season upon us I’m reminded (somewhat selfishly) of places we can go to find presents for the gamers in our lives. While consumers have increasingly turned to online venues for purchases, I still firmly believe our brick-and-mortar establishments have a great deal to offer. Like any gamer I have my roster of Friendly Local Game Stores (FLGS) I like to support, though in my case, they’re not as much “local” as “regional.” The nearest is a 30 minute drive, the farthest around two hours...meaning I usually make a day trip out of a visit. As a result I don’t shop at them as much as I’d like, but when I go I budget a small wad of cash to spend to support their efforts and add to my gaming library. Most were around before the pandemic; they managed to survive adapting to online orders and sidewalk pick-up, implementing careful masking and distancing protocols when allowed, cultivating a generous gaming community, and soldiering on with a staunch persistence. I try making the pilgrimage to the farthest ones once a year; the others I visit when I’m in the neighborhood. All remind me of the qualities for successful game stores and current trends in the adventure gaming hobby.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Immersive Experiences at the Spy Museum

My recent visit to the International Spy Museum in Washington, DC, might not seem to have any relevance to the adventure gaming hobby. Yet its exhibits speak to a history occasionally covered in board games and its interactive experiences evoke the feelings of immersive roleplaying game episodes. Museums today constantly change, adapting to new display philosophies and technological advancements influencing the gallery experience. They work to present the broad context of history, explain the relevance of artifacts, and tell the stories of individuals who used those items and lived that history in an attempt to establish some connection with visitors. The International Spy Museum hits all those targets, showcasing some amazing objects, demonstrating firsthand many spycraft concepts, and presenting tales of spies throughout history...all in ways that actively engage visitors.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Solo Scene: a Gentle Rain

Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence.”

Dalai Lama

Finding calm in today’s world remains challenging. Our 21st century Internet Age keeps us constantly scrambling just to keep our heads above water. The cares of our incessantly demanding world often overwhelm us, giving us scant time for ourselves to recover, let alone to relish the few, small joys in life. We all have our methods of gaining a few moments of peace, of re-centering our views, of restoring our attitudes. I keep a singing bowl on my desk next to a tiny, smirking Buddhist monk figurine, though I rarely use the bowl for stress relief. I have little time to sit near my backyard prayer flag garden; more often I pull weeds and re-string flags. I read before bed every night, making the recent choice to return to escapist fiction instead of my more personally educational non-fiction history titles. Games, especially solitaire ones, also help divert me from my anxieties...when I find the time. I recently discovered a new solo game, one specifically designed as a calming activity: a Gentle Rain by Kevin Wilson. It’s a fantastic game ideal for anyone, even non-gamers, to help find a little momentary calm in these tumultuous times.